Great work in these days on S. Antonio Island!
The challenge continues: restoration ex novo of Habitat 6210, the arid prairie, in an area where it was not present before. We are in ZSC IT1180027 – Confluenza Po-Sesia-Tanaro.
We have already told you about the preparatory intervention for “opening” the area, remove invasive woody species, work and level the ground.
And now, we are completing the intervention with the distribution of fiorume (seeds and parts of native plants) that you can see in the white bags.
Too bad not being able to smell the scent!!!
The fiorume is distributed in every direction with density of 13/14 g/mq and supplemented with pure seeds.
In addition, herbaceous plants typical of Habitat 6210 are planted, such as Sedum sexangulare, Sedum rupestre, Centaurea deusta, Hypericum perforatum, Dianthus carthusianorum, fescues and other plants typical of arid environments (1.500 seedlings!).
The intervention area is about 2.000 m2 wide.
We hope these actions can “start” a production process of new seeds from plants that gradually assert themselves so that the Habitat 6210 can begin to structure itself.
We can’t wait to show you the first blooms, when the time comes