The “Restoration” of Habitats and the Increase of Biodiversity – Action C3 Completed!

LIFE DrylandsAzioni, Uncategorized

The work under Action C3, aimed at increasing biodiversity and maintaining a good conservation status for the project habitats, have been completed.
The “restoration” operations involved the planting of native herbaceous species typical of the habitats in high-density groups (approximately 34 plants per 1x1m plot).
In particular, before planting, it was necessary to create areas of bare substrate through:

top-soil inversion (habitat 4030)
sod-cutting (habitat 2330 and 6210)
removal of invasive and non-invasive woody species

In total, 12,337 plants belonging to 24 species were planted!


Below is a brief summary for each habitat:

Site at “Valle del Ticino” (H2330 – Pombia)

Habitat 2330
A total of 1,135 individual specimens were planted (735 in SAC IT2010013 – Ansa di Castelnovate; 400 in SAC IT1150001 – Valle del Ticino).

  • Armeria arenaria
  • Centaurea deusta
  • Festuca filiformis
  • Hieracium pilosella
  • Jasione montana
  • Pethroragia saxifraga
  • Potentilla pusilla
  • Rumex acetosella (SAC IT2010013)


Site at Baraggia di Rovasenda (H4030 – Lenta 1)

Habitat 4030
A total of 3,900 individual specimens were planted (500 in SAC IT2010010 – Brughiera del Vigano; 3,400 in SAC IT1120004 – Baraggia di Rovasenda*).

  • Agrostis tenuis (IT1120004)
  • Anthericum liliago 
  • Calluna vulgaris (IT2010010)
  • Dianthus carthusianorum
  • Festuca filiformis (IT1120004)
  • Hylotelepium maximum (IT1120004)
  • Iris sibirica (IT1120004)
  • Jasione montana (IT1120004)
  • Potentilla erecta
  • Serratula tinctoria (IT1120004)
  • Stachys officinalis (IT1120004)
  • Succisa pratensis (IT1120004)
  • Teucrium scorodonia



* In SAC IT1120004 – Baraggia di Rovasenda, 100 individual specimens of the species Gentiana pneumonanthe were planted in the area known as Lenta 2; in a subsequent step, 180 individual specimens of the species Calluna vulgaris were planted in a plot.


Site “Lame del Sesia and Isolone di Oldenico at Greggio” (H6210 – Greggio)

Habitat 6210
A total of 7,022 individual specimens were planted (1,589 in SAC IT2010013 – Ansa di Castelnovate; 2,363 in SAC IT2050005 – Boschi della Fagiana; 2,000 in SAC IT1120010 – Lame del Sesia; 1,070 in SAC IT1150001 – Valle del Ticino).

  • Armeria arenaria
  • Centaurea deusta
  • Dianthus carthusianorum
  • Festuca filiformis
  • Festuca trachyphylla
  • Hieracium pilosella (IT2010013, IT1120010)
  • Hylotelephium maximum
  • Jasione montana
  • Knautia arvensis (IT2050005, IT1120010)
  • Koeleria cristata
  • Pethroragia saxifraga (IT2050005, IT1120010)
  • Potentilla pusilla
  • Sanguisorba minor
  • Stachys officinalis (IT2050005, IT1120010)
  • Teucrium chamaerdrys