Question of HABITAT – Botanical workshops and games

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🗓 On Sunday, September 29, starting at 11:00 AM, we look forward to seeing you at the PRATONE (large meadow) of the BARAGGIA Nature Reserve – Romagnano Sesia/Fontaneto area. Join us at our interactive information stand with botanical workshops and games to explore the dry habitats of the LifeDrylands project.

The event is organized as part of the “6 in Baraggia” festival, now in its 20th edition, a celebration dedicated to the Baraggia landscapes and families. You will also have the chance to learn about our educational offerings for schools and the Discovery Kit – “I live, you live, they HABITAT.”

The “Baragge,” as the moorlands in this area are called, are rare and fascinating places. The Baraggia of Rovasenda in Lenta (VC) is one of the areas involved in the LifeDrylands project. Among the various restoration actions in this area, of particular note is Action C3, which involved planting 3,400 seedlings of typical species to strengthen floral biodiversity (Anthericum liliago, Dianthus carthusianorum, Festuca filiformis, Hylotelephium maximum, Jasione montana, Iris sibirica, Potentilla erecta, Serratula tinctoria, Stachys officinalis, Succisa pratensis, Teucrium scorodonia).