In september the 16th in Pavia has been held the 34° Congress of the Italian Lichen Society and the LifeDrylands realized a mini-event, in the second day of the works ?.
Life Drylands Mini-Event
Link to the official website of the project
Where: Classroom A of the Botanical Garden.
When: at the end of the congress (16 September 2022, 4.30-5.30 p.m.).
The Italian Lichen Society supports the aims of the Life Drylands project, which is aimed at restoring and preserving dry grasslands and heathlands attributed to Natura 2000 Habitats 2330, 4030 and 6210 in 8 Natura 2000 sites in the western Po Plain (Lombardia and Piemonte). This space is dedicated to the project to illustrate its relevance – not only for lichens – to the participants of the Congress.
4.00-4.15 pm.:
The Life Drylands project and the target Habitats
– Prof. Silvia Assini (University of Pavia)
4.15-4.30 p.m.:
Concrete actions
– Dr. Matteo Barcella (University of Pavia)
4.30-4.45 p.m.:
Educational and dissemination activities
– Arch. Patrizia Berera (Network of the Botanical Gardens of Lombardia)
4.45-5.00 p.m.:
Managing Life projects in practice: the Parks’ point of view
– Dr. Valentina Parco & Dr. Silvia Nicola (Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino)
– Dr. Giorgio Brunialti & Dr. Luisa Frati (TerraData Environmetrics)